We have put together a number of detailed, practical, and plain-English guides containing advice which you may find useful to your situation. The Guides we have
available are grouped together in the relevant areas of Law below. These are based on our extensive experience (yes, we've seen the good, the bad, and the ugly - many times). If there is nothing
here that fits your situation, or answers questions you may have, please get in touch by giving us a call, or emailing office@alaw.nz
First Time Buyers Guide
Ways of Owing Land / Assets
Property Sharing Agreements
Building Agreements
Selling your home privately
Contracting Out Agreements (Pre-Nups)
Separation Agreements
Going to Court - When you can't get the Ex to co-operate
Pick up the phone! The lawyers at Arrowsmith Law have a wide range of expertise and experience. More details on the services we offer clients can by found here. However, feel free to pick up the phone and give us a call. We'd enjoy hearing from you. No costs will be incurred, even if we help you on your way and do not need to be involved.
Arrowsmith Law Limited
T. 03 928 8165 | Email (General): office@alaw.nz | Email (Notices): notices@alaw.nz | F. 03 928 8166
Ashburton Office | 163 West Street | PO Box 270 | Ashburton| 7700
Christchurch Office | 9/21 Humphreys Drive | PO Box 41024 | Ferrymead | 8023
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