Arrowsmith Law currently has easy to visit modern offices in Christchurch and Ashburton. Details below. For the Arrowsmith
Directory click here.
Ashburton Office
163 West Street (Ground Floor)
PO Box 270
Ashburton 7700
How to find us.
Right on SH1 in Ashburton. Over the road from Cleavers Bar. Easy free parking (2hr limit) in Tancred Street, or in central car park off SH1 adjacent to railway
line in between West and East Streets.
Christchurch Office
9/21 Humphreys Drive (First Floor)
PO Box 41024
Ferrymead 8023
How to find us.
On the first floor of the first building in The Estuary (next to CBK restaurant). Stairwell is on the right of the block. Public parking available in car park, or the Ferrymead Countdown / Mitre 10 retail complex is 2 min walk away.
Arrowsmith Law Limited
T. 03 928 8165 | Email (General): | Email (Notices): | F. 03 928 8166
Ashburton Office | 163 West Street | PO Box 270 | Ashburton| 7700
Christchurch Office | 9/21 Humphreys Drive | PO Box 41024 | Ferrymead | 8023
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