To give us your instructions, to provide us with your details as a new client, or to update us with your new details, please use the following forms. Once submitted, we will be in touch. If it's easier, print the form out and fill it in by hand. Then scan and email it to Let us know if you have any queries at all. And don't worry if you don't have answers to all the questions. Just get us what you can and we will take things from there.
New clients to the firm - making it easy.
Acting on both sides.
Giving us your consent to act where Arrowsmith Law is also acting for the other party, and information as to why we need your consent.
Giving us your instructions.
Getting us your instructions as to how you would like us to help.
Give us your feedback - we'd very much appreciate it.
Arrowsmith Law Limited
T. 03 928 8165 | Email (General): | Email (Notices): | F. 03 928 8166
Ashburton Office | 163 West Street | PO Box 270 | Ashburton| 7700
Christchurch Office | 9/21 Humphreys Drive | PO Box 41024 | Ferrymead | 8023
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