These are the details that you will need if you are wanting to pay your account, or to pay funds into our trust account for a purchase. Please give your transfer any of the following references: your surname, invoice number, matter number, client number, or address of property you are buying. Let us know if you have any queries.
ASB Bank Limited
Account Name:
Arrowsmith Law Limited Trust Account
Account Number:
12 3475 0007699 02
SWIFT code:
Bank Address:
ASB North Wharf, 12 Jellicoe Street, Auckland, 1010, New Zealand
If you need a copy of our trust account deposit slip please download below.
Arrowsmith Law Limited has adopted the US Treasury Regulations definition of ‘investment entity’ as a result of which the firm is an active NFFE
(nonfinancial foreign entity), and its trust account entity is a passive NFFE. We do not hold funds for investment. We only hold funds as part of estates, escrow funds, and funds related to
Arrowsmith Law Limited
T. 03 928 8165 | Email (General): | Email (Notices): | F. 03 928 8166
Ashburton Office | 163 West Street | PO Box 270 | Ashburton| 7700
Christchurch Office | 9/21 Humphreys Drive | PO Box 41024 | Ferrymead | 8023
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